Hygiene tip!
To stop the spread of germs, limit touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
Book flu vaccination today
The flu is more serious than a common cold with sufferers often restricted to their bed for up to a week or more. Don't let the flu get the better of you! Book in your flu vaccination with us this winter. Book an appointment in store or online at www.guardianpharmacies.com.au/bookings or call us today.
Summer Tip!
Did you know you should always re-apply sunscreen every 2 hours for proper sun protection? Try setting an alarm on your phone to remind you to re-apply!
Summer Tip!
Does your face moisturiser contain SPF? This can be a great way to protect your face from the harsh Australia sun on a daily basis. If you have any questions about skin care during the warmer months, visit us today and let's talk about you.
Foot Health
Athlete’s foot is a common fungal infection caused by a fungus called Tinea Pedis. It also called ringworm of the foot and dermatophytosis. The condition easily spreads in public places such as crowded rooms or halls, public showers, locker rooms and fitness centres. Athlete s foot usually affects the spaces between the toes but can spread to toe nails and the soles and sides of the feet.These organisms infect the superficial layer of the skin sprouting like tendrils and in response to this fungal growth, the skin becoming thick and scaly. Treatment Most infections respond well to ointments which include:- Clotrimazole- Miconazole If there
Sleep Apnea
Please see our friendly pharmacists and staff for further information on sleep apnea.
Snoring is a loud, noisy breathing sound that occurs during sleep. Sufferers may be unaware that they snore and only realise it upon observation by others. Snoring, which is more common in adults, may not always be linked to a health problem. However, snoring causing disrupted, unfulfilling sleep may be a symptom of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Snoring and its causes The harsh, hoarse sounds of a snore are caused by turbulent airflow when breathing while asleep. When you sleep, the airway at the back of the throat narrows as the muscles relax. This may lead to turbulent airflow that causes the
Super Lice
What are Super Lice? Not so super after all! "Super lice" means lice that have developed resistance to pesticides used for killing them. It is a term coined by the media in 2015 after published research showed strains of head lice had developed resistance to pyrethroids, the type of pesticide used in over-the-counter lice treatments. Researchers have found that lice have gotten more and more resistant to pyrethroid products. In one report studies from 1995 indicated that permethrin was at least 96 percent effective, but recent reports are showing efficacy rates dropping to as low as 28 percent. If you have or your
Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is a recurrent, itchy skin condition that commonly affects children. Eczema is associated with a personal or family history of atopy, which is a group of disorders that include eczema, asthma and allergic rhintitis. Symptoms of eczema Eczema symptoms can include intense itching, redness, small bumps and flaky, scaly skin. Children usually begin to experience these symptoms before the age of five. Appearance and location of eczema may differ depending on the age: In babies, eczema tends to occur at the front of the arms and legs, cheeks and scalp. The diaper areas are usually not affected.In