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Mon - Fri: 7:30am - 8:30pm Sat, Sun, Pub.H: 8:30am - 8:30pm
Welcome to Gorokan Amcal+ Pharmacy


Think of a world where you no longer have to endure long queues to access essential goods like medication. This is exactly what click and collect aims to offer. This service is not just a trend; it's a response to the demands of contemporary life, offering both efficiency and personalisation. In this blog, we’ll explore how click and collect is setting a new standard for prescription deliveries, making healthcare more accessible and user-friendly. Benefits Of Click And Collect For Prescription Deliveries The click and collect service is gaining popularity and for good reasons. This innovative approach to prescription deliveries offers a range

Winter hikes are an incredible way to stay active and embrace the beauty of nature. Before you hit the trails, make sure you're well-prepared with our range of hiking essentials, from energy-boosting snacks to blister plasters. Let's make your winter hikes unforgettable with Amcal!