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Mon - Fri: 7:30am - 8:30pm Sat, Sun, Pub.H: 8:30am - 8:30pm
Welcome to Gorokan Amcal+ Pharmacy


Here at Guardian, we understand the difficulty faced when giving up smoking for good.Your Guardian pharmacist is there to provide advice and support during your quit smoking journey - whether you have already started, fallen off track or haven't committed to starting just yet. Speak to your pharmacist today.

When it comes to picking up medication, especially repeat prescriptions, it can be a hassle having to travel to a pharmacy every time you need to refill your items. Most pharmacies are only open during the working day, which makes collecting medication tricky for some people. If, due to health reasons, you also find getting to your local pharmacy a challenge, you could try ordering a prescription online and having it delivered instead. If this is something that sounds beneficial to you, read on to find out more about getting your prescription online and how the process works. How To Buy