Guardian Angels
Have you been busy knitting as part of our Guardian Angel program? We would like to thank you, our Guardian Angels, for consistently helping to make a difference in our community.
Developed a cold?
Have you developed a cold? Don't let it get you down. Speak to our pharmacist about the best solutions to manage your symptoms including coughs, blocked nose and sore throat.
Keep your immune system strong
It is important to keep your immune system strong in order to avoid catching colds this winter. Eating healthy, exercising, staying hydrated and having a good night's sleep all help keep your immune system strong. Vitamins, minerals and herbs can also help strengthen your immune system. Talk to our pharmacist to see if supplementation is right for you.
Fight colds and get better, quicker
We have great prices on a range of products to help you fight colds and get better, quicker. Sale ends June 20th.
Value Deal products on sale
Keep your immune system in check with our range of Value Deal products on sale now! On sale until June 20th.
Beat the cold and flu this winter
Our latest catalogue is out now! We have great prices on a range of products to help you beat the cold and flu this winter. Sale ends June 20th.
Flu Vaccination
Have you had your flu vaccination? It's not too late to ensure you are protected this winter! You can easily book an appointment at our pharmacy by contacting us now.
Men’s Health Month
It is men's health month. This month, we encourage the males in our lives to take care of their health. If you have a question about your health, you can always start the conversation with our pharmacist. They will either assist you or point you in the right direction.