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Mon - Fri: 7:30am - 8:30pm Sat, Sun, Pub.H: 8:30am - 8:30pm
Welcome to Gorokan Amcal+ Pharmacy

May 2021

Do you know the difference between cold and flu? Fever, headaches and fatigue are common symptoms of the flu, but more uncommon in a cold. Whereas with colds, sore throats are common but less prevalent with the flu. If you have questions about your symptoms, speak to our pharmacist. They can provide you with advice on managing your symptoms and the best treatment options for you.

World Asthma Day aims to bring awareness of asthma worldwide. Although not curable, it is possible to manage asthma. We can help by ensuring you are using your inhaler correctly with our inhaler technique check. Speak to us today for more information.