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Welcome to Gorokan Amcal+ Pharmacy

March 2021

DID YOU KNOW? The positive health effects of quitting smoking can be seen within 24 hours. - In 6 hours your blood pressure has decreased~- In 24 hours there is more oxygen in your body~- In 3 months your lungs' natural cleaning system andbody's immune system is recovering~- In 12 months your risk of heart disease is now halfwhat it was when you were smoking.^ Speak to us about quitting the habit today. ~quit.org ^health.gov.au

Did you know, always feeling tired and snoring excessively are symptoms of sleep apnoea. If you find yourself experiencing these symptoms, you can take the Pharmacy Sleep Services' ‘Sleep Quiz’ at pharmacysleepservices.com.au/sleepquiz to find out whether you have undiagnosed sleep apnoea. If you complete this test and are at risk, you could receive a $50 Home Sleep Test Voucher to use at our pharmacy. Ask us for more information in store today.

It's Hearing Awareness Week and in Australia, almost 4 million people have some form of hearing loss.* Common causes of hearing loss are age-related and excessive exposure to loud noise.* If you or someone you know is worried about hearing loss, we encourage you to have your hearing checked. Speak to us about booking a free hearing check or hearing aid clean today. *health.gov.au