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February 2021

When quitting smoking we recommend using two different nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) products. Why? Different NRT products work in different ways. For example, nicotine gum releases nicotine quickly, helping sudden cravings. Nicotine patches release nicotine slowly, giving you a steady dose of nicotine throughout the day.If you need help to quit smoking, speak to us today. www.health.gov.au

Working towards better health can be hard, but it is worth it in the end when you become a healthier version of yourself. If you are looking to lose weight, quit smoking or have a niggly feeling about a possible health condition you may have such as diabetes or sleep apnoea, we can help you start the conversation to a better health outcome. Speak to us today.

Our top tips for keeping cool during summer ๐ŸŒž Ensure you are drinking water throughout the day.๐ŸŒž If you do not have air-conditioning at home, visit somewhere that does such as a cafe, restaurant or shopping centre๐ŸŒž Avoid being outdoors between 11am - 5pm on days of extreme heat. This is usually the hottest part of the day. healthdirect.gov.au