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September 2020

Let's say goodbye to hay fever this Spring! Hay fever is a common allergic condition with it's effects felt by a quarter of all Australians*. By using the right medications and improved application techniques, many of the symptoms of hay fever can be treated before they even occur. Speak to us about putting together a personalised treatment solution for you today. #Letstalkaboutyou #guardianpharmacy *Roy Morgan, 2014

Feeling tired all the time? Told you snore too loud? You may have sleep apnoea. Sleep is essential for your health and overall wellbeing. Ongoing sleep deficiency may contribute to a number of health issues that could impact your overall physical health. Speak to us today about undertaking a sleep health check. #Letstalkaboutyou #guardianpharmacy

Viruses such as COVID-19, spread via the droplets of an infected person. These spread through talking, coughing and sneezing and can be airborne or on surfaces. Even if face masks are not mandatory where you live, it is important that you keep yourself protected by wearing a face mask when you are not able to physically distance. It is important that you continue keeping your hands and the surfaces you touch, clean even whilst wearing a face mask.

This week, we celebrate women's health. Women's health week is about ensuring women are taking care of themselves both physically and mentally. If you have a question about your health, visit us today. We will be able to help you out, or point you in the right direction. #Letstalkaboutyou #guardianpharmacy