Pharmacy Assistant 2019
Congratulations Maxine Morris for achieving Pharmacy Assistant of the Year NSW 2019. We at Gorokan Guardian Pharmacy are fortunate to have you as part of our family. A big thank you for always believing in our cause!Serving the community has always been our core motto for Gorokan Guardian Pharmacy, and Maxine has always been in the frontline for this. "Service to a just cause rewards the worker with more real happiness and satisfaction than any other venture of life."- Carrie Chapman Catt
Community Engagement Pharmacy 2019
Congratulations Gorokan Guardian Pharmacy for winning community engagement pharmacy of the year 2019 NSW! Thank you to all the staff at Gorokan Guardian Pharmacy for showing the loyalty and faith in the vision that we set in the beginning. “Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens.”- JRR Tolkien