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Skin Care

Discover a better way to manage your Eczema

Did you know that Australia has one of the highest rates of eczema in the world? It’s estimated that it affects between 10-15% of the population.1
The most common symptoms of eczema are dry, red and itchy skin at the elbow creases, wrists, neck, ankles and behind the knees.2

When the barrier of the skin is damaged, moisture evaporates and makes the skin more susceptible to allergens and irritants. This irritation can trigger the skin to release certain chemicals that make you feel itchy.2

Talk to us today for a personalised eczema care plan.



1 Nguyen, L. (2017). How common is eczema in Australia? BHC Medical Centre. bhcmedicalcentre.com.au/uncategorized/how-common-are-eczema-and-psoriasis-in-australia/
2 Eczema (atopic dermatitis). (2017). Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA). allergy.org.au/patients/skin-allergy/eczema